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The Colorado Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee passed House Bill 24-1117

Your voice made a difference! The Colorado Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee passed House Bill 24-1117.  



The Xerces Society thanks everyone who sent a letter of support for Colorado House Bill No. HB24-1117 to the Colorado Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. This bill will provide Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) with the management authority to study and conserve butterflies, bumble bees, pollinators and other important invertebrates. CPW currently does not have this authority. 


The Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee passed the bill with a 4-3 vote at a hearing held on April 3rd. The bill will now move forward for further consideration by the Senate Appropriations Committee and then on to the full Colorado Senate. The Xerces Society is grateful for your support, and we remain hopeful that this legislation will be successful and strengthen invertebrate and rare plant conservation in Colorado. 


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