What Are Bloomerang Lilac Trees?
Most lilac lovers complain that the bloom cycle of these plants is too short. Typically, lilac bushes only bloom for two weeks during May, so before you’re ready, they are gone until next year. If you’re one of many gardeners who long for the sweet scent of lilacs all summer, then Bloomerang lilac trees may be your perfect solution. These reblooming trees grow to about four feet tall and offer longer blooming periods than traditional lilacs.
What Are Bloomerang Lilac Trees?
Bloomerang lilacs were first introduced in 2009 and are a registered trademark hybrid. In other words, the name and brand are protected, so only the breeder can produce this type of lilac tree and sell them under the Bloomerang brand name.
Bloomerang lilac trees bloom around the same time as other common varieties of lilac, which is in May. Many gardeners love this hybrid because it blooms heavily, and then by June, the plant takes a break before reblooming in July and lasting until the first frost.
You will notice that the spring bloom differs from that in the summer and fall, as later in the year, the panicles are darker in color and smaller than those in the spring. Still, the gorgeous fragrance and colors of Bloomerang lilac trees aren’t just prized by humans; hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees also seek them out.
Lilacs are Great for Your Garden, and The Bees
Did you know that lilac trees are considered a ‘superfood’ for your garden? It’s true! Bloomerang lilac trees provide nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies, and of course, bees! The vivid flowers do a great job catching the eyes of such pollinators, and since they grow in large clusters, there’s that much more nectar to go around.
In fact, lilacs are one of the best trees to plant for attracting leafcutters and honeybees. The bloom is notably dense, meaning that one bush can host many bees at once. This proves very useful for a colony because otherwise, the bees would have to travel around to multiple plants to eat each day. Hence, a healthy lilac bush is a scrumptious bee buffet!
Depending on where you live, bees may even use lilac trees to help raise their young. Though leafcutter bees aren’t that common in the US, this species relies on lilacs. And a bonus is that Bloomerang lilac trees thrive during the spring and summer, meaning you’ll attract lots of bees looking for stable food sources that can sustain them for months.
So, look no further than this lilac hybrid if you’re looking for a plant that produces plenty of pollen, nectar, and blossoms for bees and other pollinators. The flowers are brightly colored and bloom long enough each year to help grow a healthy bee population.

Bloomerang Lilac Trees Facts
- Bloom two times per year
- Smaller in size than other lilac trees
- Fragrant purple flowers
- Attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies
- Deer-resistant
- Not sensitive to air pollution or an urban environment
- Keep your garden beautiful during three seasons
What Do Bloomerang Lilac Trees Look Like?
As we mentioned, Bloomerangs are more compact than other lilac varieties. They grow between four to six feet tall and feature a spread of the same, giving them an appealing, round shape. Bloomerang lilacs have veined leaves that are deep green during most of the year but turn yellow in the fall.
This variety is very distinct in that it has 4-petaled, purple flowers that are four to six inches deep. Here are the basic specifications of Bloomerang lilac trees:
- Height: 4 to 6 feet
- Hardiness Zones: 3 through 7
- Tree Type: Deciduous shrub
- Soil Composition: Well-drained, moist, alkaline
- Sunlight Needs: Partial shade to full sun
Regarding hardiness zones, this refers to those set by the USDA for each plant in terms of where they can grow. Bloomerang lilacs flourish in hardiness zones 3 through 7, which means they do best in the north, as they require cold weather to bloom.
Where to Plant Bloomerang Lilac Trees
Ideally, these shrubs should be planted in well-drained soil under full sunlight. Though you can plant them during three seasons of the year (not winter), spring is the best time. Before you plant, prepare your garden by pulling weeds and removing debris and turfgrass from the area. Then, you’ll need to dig a hole that’s twice as wide as the root ball. Be sure to tease the roots a bit before placing the tree in the hole, and make sure it’s sitting just higher than the soil surrounding it for better drainage.
After your Bloomerang lilac is in the ground, go ahead and water it thoroughly and cover it with 3-inches of mulch.

Growing Requirements
In general, these trees are easy to care for and hassle-free. Here’s what they need for optimal growth:
Bloomerangs thrive in full sunlight, requiring at least six hours per day of direct sunlight. Though they do okay in partial shade, they do not produce as many blooms.
These trees prefer soil that’s alkaline, moist, and well-drained. Soil conditions that are too soggy will damage their roots, but a thin mulch cover can help ensure the right amount of moisture reaches your trees and protect them from temperature fluctuations.
Bloomerang lilacs can be fertilized in early spring, beginning the second year after they’re planted. Just beware that they require fertilizer explicitly made for lilacs, as these products usually contain higher levels of potassium and phosphorus but less nitrogen.
These trees require the most water during blooming seasons. So, from spring until the end of the season, water your lilacs about once every ten days. Your Bloomerang requires two inches of water each time so that the soil will be moist 12 inches below.
For the rest of the year, only water your Bloomerang tree during prolonged dry spells or when you notice that the top three inches of soil are dry.
Your Bloomerang lilac trees do not require pruning. Sure, it can encourage new growth, but the tree will bloom regardless. If you do prune your trees, wait until right after their first bloom. If you wait until fall, winter, or before a bloom, you’ll cut the flower buds off.

Frequently Asked Questions
How tall do Bloomerang Lilac Trees get?
This hybrid variety is smaller than other lilacs and only grows between four and six feet tall.
Do Bloomerang Lilac Trees bloom more than once each year?
Yes! These gorgeous plants bloom during spring, then again in summer, and last until the first frost arrives.
What’s the best way to care for Bloomerang Lilac Trees?
These shrubs are low-maintenance, with the most care required during their planting. After this, so long as they’re in well-drained soil and full sunlight, they shouldn’t need much care other than water when it’s dry outside.
Should I prune my Bloomerang Lilac Trees before they rebloom?
NO! Your Bloomerangs don’t need pruning; when you cut them, the rebloom is usually pushed back by a few weeks.
Closing Thoughts
At the end of the day, if you can’t resist the smell and beauty of lilac shrubs, check out Bloomerang lilac trees. Not only will they rebloom and extend your lilac season, but they are a great way to attract pollinators such as bees into your garden - making them a win-win!